Published: ● Revised:
Over the Lips and Through the Fingertips
Why I started this Blog
Categories: Reflections
The road I have walked is anything but straight, largely because there are so many things that interest me. Vocationally I have changed directions several times, and in my personal time, I have explored many diverse subjects. Some of the more interesting ones may find their way into these pages.
One of the primary purposes of this blog will help me organize my thoughts into a coherent form. We're inundated with so many things that shape our world view. Much of what we consume is accepted without too much thought. I find myself feeling uneasy about a lot of what is being peddled in the marketplace of ideas these days. However, many times, having not adequately explored an issue, I often feel incapable of clearly articulating my concerns.
My desire, therefore, is the begin writing about things that interest or concern me to establish a position based on exploring all sides of an issue. I fully expect to find I have changed my mind on several issues as I walk this path. If I do, I will deem it one of the best examples of the blog's success. On the other hand, there are issues that I doubt I will be dissuaded from believing. And there are just some ideas I want to be better prepared to make my case and more articulate in its presentation.
One of my favourite quotes is from Dawson Trotman: "Thoughts disentangle themselves when they pass through the lips and fingertips."
I have so often found this to be true. I enjoy nothing more than having a long philosophical or other forms of in-depth conversation with an intelligent person. It sharpens your mind when you have to recapitulate what you have been internalizing through print or other media.
Writing, if done well, hones the thinking process even further as it allows you to carefully consider each word used to formulate your thought. Nuances can be examined, and subtleties can be explored, as nothing is quite as black and white as popular media and politicians may infer.